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Holiday Season Information - 2020!
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Holiday Season Information - 2020!

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As it is currently late October, we're now in the very beginning of the holiday season! Here is a rundown of what to expect in my shop this year!

  1. The first important thing to note is the timetable. I haven't set an exact date as of this post, but I close my shop to new orders in mid-December.  I do this for a few reasons, such as givnig me time to reorganize in preparation for the coming new year, creating new design concepts, spending time with family, etc. I'm still working the entire time, but taking a pause from having to keep up with running the retail side of my shop, which is my biggest time investment. It also gives me a buffer for shipping things you bought as gifts. While rare, there are some instances of damage in transit, or delays with USPS due to the increase of shipment during the holiday season - I want that buffer to be sure you all recieve what you order intact, on time, and can correct any issues if needed. This is also the only time off I have taken since the Tucson Gem Show in January of this year, which was technically working as well.
  2. When I know the last open date of my shop for 2020, I will post it on the homepage of JDrewSilvers.com, at the top, in the bright red bar. I typically reopen on January 1st, but that info will also be in the red bar once I solidify that. 
  3. Signing up for restock notifications is important for me to know what you want to see restocked for the holidays. On JDrewSilvers.com, you will find the "Catalog" link at the top of the page by tapping the maginifying glass in the top left corner if using a cellphone/handheld device, or as a tab at the top of the page if using a computer. You can sign up for a restock notificaion email for any sold out item in the catalog. Just tap the title of that item (not the picture) and you'll be taken to the item's page. At the top of the page, there is a blank to submit your email address.  Make sure you type your email address correctly before submitting it. This feature notifies you as soon as that item comes back in stock, but also shows me how many customers are interested in each design. I can then use that information to gauge interest on when I should make more of that design.
  4. If you see something in my shop that is in stock right now and want to give it as a holiday gift, you should take the opportunity to purchase it now if you are able to financially.  The longer a certain design stays in my inventory, the less likely it is that I'll bring it back after that item has sold out. Example: If a certain shelf design was restocked in early August and the last of that batch I made doesn't sell until late September, I have no reason to restock it right away, since the demand wasn't there. It would be a few months before I bring that design back again, if ever. From a retail perspective, it makes more sense for me to focus my energy on making shelves and such that more people want instead of making shelves that sell more slowly, especially this time of year.
  5. That being said, if you see something come back in stock from this point forward, there is a real possibility you may not see it return again before the holidays for the honest reason of me not having enough time to make another batch of them. If it's in stock and you want it before 2020 is over, that may be your only opportunity to acquire it.
  6. If you're giving something as a gift - THANK YOU! - nothing warms my heart like knowing you love my work enough to give it to someone else, but... Please unpackage it and inspect it before giving it to someone. Even though a box shows no damage, something could have happened to it in transport, you accidentally ordered the wrong item, wrong color, etc, or maybe I did something wrong. The buffer I give from mid-December forward should allow us enough time in many cases to figure out some sort of solution to any potential issues.
All that being said, thank you SO much for supporting me this year! I look forward to this Holiday Season and the new year to come.
-J. Drew Silvers