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Updated Holiday Restock Information.
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Updated Holiday Restock Information.

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Hello all!

     Earlier this season, I stated that I would be having weekly restocks on Sundays at 7PM EST, which has happened every week since October and has been very efficient. Thank you to all who have ordered this season! I am having the usual Sunday restock on December 6th, 2020 but the restock following that one will be a little different.

     I had planned on having a full restock on December 13th as well, but I have noticed the 2-3day lead times for USPS Priority from acceptance to delivery have been taking a couple of days longer for about 25% of the orders I send out. We are in the middle of the busiest shipping season in the history of the US, in the middle of a global pandemic, so that makes sense, unfortunately. This shortens the gap between December 13th (my last planned restock this season) and December 24th (the last day USPS delivers this season) to a level I am not personally comfortable with. The Priority service offered by USPS is the only option I have (other than changing couriers, which holds its own logistical issues) outside of Express, which is prohibitively expensive. I don't want to write off those 25% of customers as not being as important as the other 75%, so I am going to trickle the remaining inventory I have into my shop once I have all orders from Sunday the 6th of December all packed up instead of dropping them all at once on Sunday the 13th. 

     This will allow me to restock items everyday and ship them everyday, which keeps a wider buffer between then and the 24th of December. The items I will be trickling into the shop at that point are mostly holdover pieces. Meaning some designs I have held back from restocking during the year, or have held back for other reasons, such as wanting to have backups of more intricate designs in the rare case something arrives to the buyer damaged and I need to replace it. This means there will be a LOT of variety coming to the shop that week with VERY low quantity. So, I may only have one or two of each design available. Because of this, I am going to disable the email restock notifications, just for that timeframe as well. I don't want to restock an item I only have one of and then send out an email to 50 people who signed up to be notified for it. That doesn't seem fair to me. 

     That means starting on about Wednesday, December 9th you will see random previous designed restock in my shop, in limited quantities. I won't be promoting them as heavily on social media since I don't have many of the individual designs to go around. Just keep your eyes on my shop at random moments and you may see something restock that you were wanting!

Thank you, as always for being awesome!

-J. Drew Silvers